Dealing With Debt: how we can HELP YOU
If you need to ask the question "what should I do", we can help you. Please look at the details on this website for "Geoffrey McDonald" under the heading "Strategic Advice on Insolvency" . This service, which is often known as "pre-insolvency" advice, can be provided to you by a professional, giving you privileged legal advice. Does your current advisor offer that protection to you? You are about to make one of the most difficult and irreversible decisions in your life, so be sure that you have all the information to make that decision. Don't be pressured into making that decision: pause and reflect for a moment. Make sure that all of the options been presented to you and all of your questions been answered, in writing, so that you are comfortable with your decision. This is the guidance which should be offered to you. We can assure you that our team at Helping Clients has done this for many years .
Alternatively, if you have already decided to make an insolvency appointment, we can lead and guide you through the process. We have a team of consultants, with practical experience, who can stand by your side and help you through the day-to-day dynamics of the insolvency process. This includes negotiating with the External Administrator, who effectively represents the creditors and not the directors or debtors, and completing the Forms which are needed urgently at the time of the appointment.
There are long and complex Forms which are needed urgently at the time of the insolvency appointment. There are consequences for failing to complete the forms accurately or truthfully. We can help you with those complicated forms and we know the questions which the liquidator, administrator or trustee will ultimately ask, once they review that form. We know what searches and investigations will be done by your appointee, so we know what they will be looking for. We will quiz you, politely, to test your answers, before the liquidator, administrator or trustee investigates those answers. We can work with your accountant and for a fair fee, the piece of mind is worth the cost.
Many years ago, there was an expression "friendly liquidator". Yes, a liquidator can be friendly and courteous, but they have a job to do (please look at the details on this website for "Geoffrey McDonald" under the heading "Liquidator/Receiver/Controller"). If a problem arises, the Liquidator you appoint voluntarily should, as a matter of courtesy, approach you and/or your advisors before they take any dramatic action. You deserve to be given an opportunity to explain and avoid any misunderstandings. It was famously said at the Australian Senate Inquiry into Liquidators and Administrators that an external administrator has to swim with the sharks and sometimes they get bitten by the sharks or sometimes they get mistaken for being one. It can be a tough job, but debtors and directors are still entitled to respect and natural justice from these people.
We have worked with many insolvency firms, who can be trusted to respect the directors/debtors and not pre-judge them for their failures or problems.
You need the money to pay your debts and fix the problems. You know the risks in borrowing more money, but these lenders can accommodate you; short term,bridging, debtor finance, second tier or mezzanine funding. We can assist you in dealing with these financiers, as we have an open line of communication and know that they can be reasonable. Can you say that about all lenders?
Lenders include (to be announced)
We can introduce you to venture capitalists or angel investors. If your business is on the edge, you have to be realistic about your options, but there are investors who are prepared to take a calculated risk.
If you need a trusted and reliable lawyer or solicitor, we can provide a warm referral. If you already have a legal representative, you don't need our recommendation (or do you?)
Litigation Fundersinclude Litigation Funding Solutions
Credit Managers willbe aware of Australian Institute of Credit Management ( andAustralian Credit Forum Inc
We can help in thepreparation of your "Terms of Trade", "Terms andConditions" or "Policies and Procedures", based on best practicein Australia. Our team has lectured on the subject (see AICM | CreditSymposium)
We can defendcreditors from those notorious claims from liquidators known as"preferential Payments". Our team has written articles on the subject(see AICM| The Liquidation of Heavy Plant leasing and how case law is formed )
We buy the debt or aledger and then you don't have to trouble yourself with the collection process.
Have you heard of thefree service known as Your Free Credit Score & Credit Report |ClearScoreAustralia. If you need to clear your credit rating, then there are manycompanies offering that service, which you can often do yourself, for no cost.But if there is a judgment debt which needs to be settled, there is often legalwork to be done.
Debt relief and Debtagreements for consumers; there are many service providers and they will try tohelp you, but don't hesitate to ask questions of them, in writing. We can help you negotiate a settlement. The reality is that you will pay morethan you want to pay and the creditorwill accept less than they want to be paid.
VALUATIONS; Please contact IanHyman ay Hyman at Hyman Valuers and
PRIVATE INVESTIGATIONS; Please contact Andrew McDonald at Oracle Security Group